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Een armband uit Zefat
Gepubliceerd op 10-08-2010

De afgelopen dagen is er aandacht besteed aan een 3500 jaar oude armband welke gevonden is in Zefat (Tsefat, Safad). Volgens Karen Covello-Paran die de leiding heeft over de opgravingen:

"We discovered a wide rare bracelet made of bronze. The ancient bracelet, which is extraordinarily well preserved, is decorated with engravings and the top of it is adorned with a horned structure. At that time horns were the symbol of the storm-god and they represented power, fertility and law. The person who could afford such a bracelet was apparently very well off financially, and it probably belonged to the village ruler. It is interesting to note that in the artwork of neighboring lands gods and rulers were depicted wearing horned crowns; however, such a bracelet, and from an archaeological excavation at that, has never been found here”.

Echter Robert Deutsch reageerde bijna direct nadat het nieuws bekend was gemaakt met:

This is a poor and unprofessional classification of a modern 50-80 years old Bedouin brass bracelet as Middle Bronze Age 2nd millennium BC "Canaanite" artifact !

This is outrageous and indicates the level of knowledge possessed by the Antiquities Authority so called "archaeologists".

This is a Shame to the profession.

Vandaag werden een paar foto's van hem gepubliceerd van een soortgelijke armband die voor slechts $10 was gekocht in een souvenirwinkel. De vraag is dus, wie van de twee deskundigen heeft gelijk.

Tags: Archeologie, Pseudowetenschap, Sieraden
Gerelateerde onderwerpen: Archeologie, Pseudowetenschap


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