H776_ אֶרֶץ
Aarde, land, grond, stof der aarde
Taal: Hebreeuws




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Brown-Driver-Briggs Abridged Hebrew Lexicon

אֶ֫רֶץ n. f. & (seld.) m. earth, land 1 a earth, whole earth (opp. to a part) b earth, opp. to heaven, sky c earth = inhabitants of earth 2 land a country, territory b district, region c trial territory d piece of ground e specif. land of Canaan, or Israel f = inhabitants of land g used even of Shᵉʼôl 3 a ground, surface of ground b soil, as productive 4 אֶרֶץ a people of the land b in measurements of distance c the country of the plain, level or plain country d land of the living e end(s) of the earth 5 pl. אֲרָצוֹת is almost wholly late; it denotes lands, countries, often in contrast to Canaan, lands of the nations, etc.

Strong Concise Dictionary Of The Words In The Hebrew Bible

H776 אֶרֶץ ʼerets; from an unused root probably meaning to be firm; the earth (at large, or partitively a land) — × common, country, earth, field, ground, land, × natins, way, + wilderness, world.

Synoniemen, homoniemen en afgeleide woorden

Aramees אֲרַע H772 "aarde, grond, aardbodem, lager, geringer, aardrijk"; Hebreeuws אַרְצָא H777 "Arza, Arsa";

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