Main Street Mystics
The Toronto Blessing and Reviving Pentecostalism


On January 20, 1994 the worshippers at the Toronto Airport Vineyard Church began to feel the Holy Spirit move them. They began to laugh uncontrollably, collapse to the floor, stagger as if drunk. But what was truly startling in this occurrence--now commonly known as the Toronto Blessing--is that these manifestations keep appearing at the Toronto church and have sparked a worldwide charismatic revival. Visitors from around the world have come and started revivals in their home churches upon return.


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Titel Main Street Mystics The Toronto Blessing and Reviving Pentecostalism
Auteur Margaret M. Poloma
Uitgever Altamira Press,U.S.
Jaar Verschenen 2003
Taal Engels
Pagina's pp. 296
Onderwerp Heilig lachen


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