Over de opstanding (een messiaanse apocalyps), bestaande uit 16 fragmenten. Bekend om zijn parallellen met Mat. 11:5; Luk. 7:22 en zijn vermelding van het geven van leven aan de dode.
Zowel de Hebreeuwse transcriptie en de Engelse vertaling volgt die van Florentino García Martínez, The Dead Sea Scrolls Study Edition, pages 1044-1047.
Fragment 1, column 1.
[...and you] have listened [...] and the work of [...] and what [you] have transgressed; [...] and to fear the [...] the
right[eous] have multiplied [...] and the arisen [...] and the love [of ....]
Fragment 2, column 2.
[...for the
heav]ens and the earth will listen to his anointed one, [and all] that is in them will not turn away from the precepts of the holy ones. Strengthen yourselves, you who are seeking the Lord, in his service! Will you not in this encounter the Lord, all those who hope in their heart? For the Lord will consider the pious and call the righteous by name, and his spirit will hover upon the poor, and he will renew the faithful with his strength. For he will honor the pious upon the throne of an eternal kingdom, freeing prisoners, giving sight to the blind, straightening out thetwis[ted.] Andfor[e]ver shall I cling to [those who] hope, and in his mercy [...] and thefru[it of ...] not be delayed. And the Lord will perform marvellous acts such as have not existed, just as hesa[id, for] he will heal the badly wounded and will make the dead live; he will proclaim good news to the poor and [...] he will lead the [...] and enrich the hungry. [...] and all [....]
Fragment 2, column 3.
...and the law of your favor. And I will free them with [...,] it is
su[re;] the fathers will return toward the sons. [...] which the blessing of the Lord in his goodwill [...;] may the[ea]rth rejoice in all thepla[ces ...]fo[r] all Israel in the rejoicing [...] and the [....]
Fragment 5, column 1, and fragment 6.
[...] do not serve with those [... with] his
frie[nd] and with [his] neighbor [...] good to you and fortify thepow[er ...] sustenance, the faithful ones will grow....
Fragment 7 and fragment 5, column 2.
[...] see all [that the Lord has made, the
ear]th and all that is in it, the seas [and all they contain,] and all the reservoirs of waters and torrents. [...] those who do the good before the Lord [...] like these, the accursed. And [they] shall be for death, [...]he who gives life to the dead of his people. And we shall give thanks and announce to you [...] of the Lord, who [...] and opens [...] he reveals them [...] and the bridge of theabys[s ...] theaccur[sed] have coagulated [...] and the heavens have met [... anda]ll the angels [...]
Fragment 8.
[...] a wall
betwe[en ...] they will appear [...] to Adam [...] Jacob [...] and all thehol[y] utensils [...] and all his anointed ones [...] and [they] will speak the word of the Lord and [...] to the Lord [...] the eyes of....